Coaching and Learning for Educators

The School Partners Blog

The School Partners Blog

-research-based strategies for educators-

Can you have a learning disability and be bilingual? Yes!

Welcome back!

Last time we defined inclusion and how studies show it brings success to all students.

This post we wanted to dispel a misconception out there about students with learning disabilities and/or special needs and multilingualism. So here we go: having a learning disability/special need does not inhibit successful bilingual or multilingual education. 

International schools worldwide have consistently demonstrated how students with disabilities can thrive through bilingual or multilingual programs. More importantly there is ample research to back this up:

  • One of the longest-lasting myths concerning multilingualism is that children with learning disabilities should remain monolingual. Thanks to well-established research in the field we now know these children can indeed become bilingual, or remain bilingual. 

Clearly children with a variety of learning disabilities and performance levels are not hindered (and sometimes are at an advantage) when learning in a multilingual program. Therefore, when deciding what accommodations a child needs to thrive in school, think carefully before removing a language program.

Jessica Lament and Emilia Pastor are cofounders of School Partners, a boutique non profit organization that provides professional development, instructional coaching, and school leadership coaching for educators in and out of schools in the Paris area.